Which is the real pandemic Kenya is facing -Police or Covid-19?

Since the curfew began on Friday last week, the citizens have not had a peace of mind. Despite the fact that staying indoors is a better aid to curb the Covid-19 pandemic. The Police brutality during this period has however been met with mixed reactions. The only apprehension is whether this curfew will be a deterrent or a propeller to this Corona virus pandemic.

Videos have divulged showing the police battering innocent non-combatants about an hour before the curfew even begun. And to make matters worse, the people were jostled on top of each other. If anyone had the virus among them, trust me, most if not all those people contracted the virus that day. And do you know the pain, no one else but the government exposed them to the virus!

Similar cases of the Police brutally beating up citizens were witnessed even in the interior places in the Country, and instead of taking the blame and finding a solution to this malice, all the Police Spokesperson Mr. Charles Owino could do was to put all the blame on the public! Were stones really throw at the police prompting them to ‘defend’ themselves?

The only question the public is asking is, ‘Should we be afraid of our supposed saviors or the Covid-19?’ Or let me put this straight, Could our Police be a pandemic worse than the Coronavirus ? Let me bring your mind back home. Countless people were left injured on Friday and many more are still getting injuries from the feral beasts in Police uniforms.

A disease could be cured should it’s vaccine or medication be found. But a broken bone can not easily be fixed, a bruise will forever leave a scar. And you never know who can succumb. This only bring us to a painful reality that many of us could end up dying in the brutal hands of the Police than we could die of Covid-19. But wait, is the President seeing his citizens suffer in the hands of his Police or is he just playing deaf and blind?

Nonetheless, not all of the Police are beasts. On Saturday, Baringo AP Commandant, Ibrahim Abachilla was spotted sanitizing a group of people who were found in the street past 7pm instead of the normal beatings using his baton as we expected.

If half of the Police could be that humane, then Kenyans could trust the service of the Police. I wish they knew how negatively they are considered by the people they serve. How can you trust a person, whom if given an opportunity, would put a hole through your chest, or beat you up like a thief without flinching?

This should be a wake up call to all of us, most especially the higher authorities. If this curfew is meant to help curb the Covid-19 pandemic, then the Police should be tamed into being humanly to the people they serve, unless they want to go back and train on how to be remorseful…

If they’ll continue to be beasts, then I advise that another measure should be devised. Else the rate at which the Covid-19 will get contracted will be alarming. We can’t deal with two pandemics at the same time, it’s better to die of corona virus than to die under the hands of my guardian angels….. Humanity MUST REIGN SUPREME

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