Test for High Blood pressure


Hypertension is reported to steadily becoming a health problem in Africa; with claims that East Africa having a hypertension rates as high as 25%.

Hypertension, is a major risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke, and this increase is attributed to the growing number of fast food chains opening shops in Kenya, coupled with sedentary lifestyles that have become commonplace in major towns.

Do you know your blood pressure?

There is need of you to get tested and know your blood pressure and of those that are near to you like your family members and close friends. This may be the first and more efficient way of showing your care to them, just like the common adage- love is caring.

Normal blood pressure is defined as 120/90 mmHg, and one is considered hypertensive when their blood pressure reaches 140/90 mmHg. If one has a blood pressure of more than 160/100 mmHg, they are considered severely hypertensive.

Why associated with the old?

Those of 50+ years of age are at a higher risk of hypertension because of;

  • Poor lifestyle

In daily meals, application or usage of much sugar and oil increases the chances of being attacked of hypertension.

Instead, across all ages one should consume little amounts of sugar and oil

  • Lack of physical exercise

Physical exercise is vital in dealing with diseases of heart and blood.

In the latest data from the ministry of Health in the Kenya STEPwise Survey for Non Communicable Diseases Risk Factors, 56% of Kenyans have been measured for raised blood pressure. Furthermore, among those who reported to have been previously diagnosed with hypertension, only 22.3% were currently on medication prescribed by a health worker.

Unhealthy habits associated with hypertension

Kenyans should practice healthy lifestyle in order to reduce risks of hypertension attack

Smoking and excessive drinking of liquor increases the risk of hypertension.

Dirty environment- pollution is also a factor in hypertension attack.

By Abirice


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3 thoughts on “HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE

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